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Door: Sander Breukhoven

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Sander

07 September 2015 | Nederland, Rotterdam

It's been almost 2 weeks that I'm back in the Netherlands. It is still a weird feeling, because it feels like i've never left the country.. Of course that is not the case, because I had a long and wonderful time in Australia!

First I lived in Roleystone, and then I moved to Seville Grove, and I was for a month traveling in the eastcoast. Because of the last 2 times that I was in the land of Down Under I know some people over there already, and because of those people there was an easier start to get involved in communities and events. But the best year was this year. I've had such a wonderful time! All the fishing times, the snorkling, the events that i've been to, the places that i've seen and of course the traveling! I've learned a lot about the country, the way people live in Australia and of course the language (yes, I'm still trying to get an Aussie accent). Australians are so friendly, never had a bad conversation! I could even drive another car when my Skyline wasn't working. In the Netherlands that wouldn't be so easy, giving your car away to a person that you don't know very well..

The eastcoast was Australia that I've never seen before. I was always in and around Perth, so I know Australia as the red sand country with the hills and dead trees because of the bushfires. And then i saw an Australia with mountains, gorges, green forests, the rainforests and ofcourse the Great Barrier Reef! What an amazing experience was the eastcoast. Mostly because of the backpacking. You meet a stranger on an advertisement at Gumtree (for the Dutchies: something as Marktplaats), you buy the ticket to Sydney and you just meet. At the end I had the most amazing holiday in a holiday with the boys from Germany, Austria and Australia! Time isn't really important when you're backpacking. You just jump in the car and just go wherever you want to go. Everyday we met new people and had a wonderful time at ehm... yea everywhere!
And Cairns... so awesome! The nature was beautiful, the backpackers were friendly and fun, and the Great Barrier Reef... Never saw something that beautiful in the sea what God've created!

I've been also 3 times to Albany, "the pearl of the south". I've been fishing a lot (caught some big and small fishes) and saw the most beautiful beaches! The only thing that I didn't like that much was the drive to it.. 5 hours in the Skyline, and I was happy that the car was able to reach it and managed to go back without big problems!

"Time goes fast when you're having fun", that's what they all say. And I know everything about it now haha.

Thank you everyone. I'm glad that I met a lot of nice and fun people and also because of you I've had the most wonderful time of my life, yet! :)

Saying goodbye wasn't easy at all, and when you're sitting in the plane back to the Netherlands, you're a bit sad that you're leaving something behind that you've built that half year. But I'm also happy that I saw all of my friends and family again, and it's now time for me to find the perfect job and education.. working on my future.

Again, thank you everyone for this amazing time, and as Arnold Schwarzenegger would say: "I'll be back!"


  • 07 September 2015 - 13:16


    Helaas, jouw reis naar het onbekende zit erop.
    Succes, terug in de stad waar je bekend bent.

  • 07 September 2015 - 22:48

    Gerard Kardol:

    Hallo Sander, Ik heb je verhaal gelezen en ik begrijp dat jij daar een wereldtijd gehad hebt.
    Ik heb dat nooit kunnen doen, dat was in mijn tijd nog niet. Ik hoop dat je weer een beetje met beide benen op Hollandse grond kunt staan. De herinnering aan deze reis neem niemand je meer af. Blijf er met veel genoegen aan terug denken.

    Groeten Gerard Kardol

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Actief sinds 01 Maart 2015
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Australia 2015

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